Importing via CSV

You can import a lot of attachments via CSV file at the same time

How to create CSV file for import

Even though you can use any utility to create CSV files, the best option is to use Microsoft Excel.

We would recommend creating several attachments manually, then exporting the file to CSV to understand the structure of the file. Alternatively, you can download sample file below.

When you import CSV file, attachments will be added to existing attachments. If you want to overwrite old attachments, make sure to delete old attachments via Delete All button next to Import buttons.

Structure of import file

Column nameExplanation


True or False


Filename of the icon. Default icons have names with .png extension. For example for pdf icon use pdf.png

File name

Fill only if importing File. This is only for the display in admin pannel.


File FileUrl HTML5Video EmbedYoutube

File URL

If importing File, type URL on your store. Usually it would be If importing FileUrl, type URL If importing HTML5Video, type URL to the video. If importing YouTube Video, type iframe tag.


Display name for the attachment. Will be shown on product page.


To which entity map attachment. Products, Categories, or Manufacturers


If mapping to Products, use SKUs of the products separated with SPACE If mapping to Categories, use Category Ids separated with SPACE If mapping to Manufacturers, use Manufacturer Ids separated with SPACE


Fill language Id (number). 0 means all languages.


Fill only if using HTML5Video.


Fill only if using HTML5Video.

If you are importing YouTube video, do not use Width and Height parameters. Use width and height in iframe directly.

Last updated